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海关总署 财政部 对对外贸易经济合作部



第一条 为了鼓励外国公司、企业和其他经济组织或个人来中国举办中外合作经营企业,引进先进技术设备,并向国家需要优先发展的行业投资,特制定本规定。
第二条 中外合作经营企业应持凭经国务院各部、委或省、市、自治区主管部门的批准文件、工商管理部门核发的营业执照以及经批准执行的合作双方签订的合同(或协议,下同),向所在地或分管地海关(以下简称主管海关)登记备案。
第三条 中外合作经营企业的货物进出口时,应持凭经主管海关登记、签印的合同,并填写《进(出)口货物报关单》向进、出口地海关申报。属于国家规定需申领进(出)口许可证的货物,还应向海关递交进(出)口许可证,由海关查验。
第四条 中外合作经营企业按照批准的合同作为外商投资或追加投资进口的物资,按照以下规定征免税:
第五条 第四条中(一)、(二)、(三)款规定对中外合作经营企业准予免税或减税进口的机器设备和其他物资,应于进口前向主管海关办理减、免税申请手续,由主管海关核发减免税证明,进口地海关凭证明予以减、免税。
第六条 中外合作经营企业专为加工外销产品而从国外进口的原材料、元器件、零部件、辅料和包装物料(以下简称进口料、件),免征进口关税和工商统一税,副次品和因其他原因不能出口留在国内部分应照章征税,其管理办法统一按海关对进料加工以及保税工厂的管理规定办理。
第七条 中外合作经营企业经批准进口供加工内销产品的料、件,应在进口时照章征税。
第八条 中外合作经营企业出口应征收出口关税的商品,应照章缴纳出口关税。
第九条 中外合作经营企业减、免税进口的货物,不得擅自出售或转让。如需出售或转让,应经原审批机关批准,并按规定向主管海关办理补税手续。
第十条 中外合作经营企业如有违反本规定的情况,按《中华人民共和国暂行海关法》的有关规定予以处理。
第十一条 本规定从一九八四年二月一日起实施。

Regulations Concerning the Supervision and Control over, and theLevying and Exemption of Duties on Imports and Exports for Chinese-FContractual Joint Ventures

(Promulgated on Jan. 31, 1984 by the General Administration ofCustoms, Ministry of Finance and Ministry of Foreign Economic Relationsand Trade, effective as of Feb. 1, 1984)

Important Notice: (注意事项)
当发生歧意时, 应以法律法规颁布单位发布的中文原文为准.
In case of discrepancy, the original version in Chinese shall prevail.

Whole Document (法规全文)
Regulations Concerning the Supervision and Control over, and the
Levying and Exemption of Duties on Imports and Exports for Chinese-Foreign
Contractual Joint Ventures
(Promulgated on Jan. 31, 1984 by the General Administration of
Customs, Ministry of Finance and Ministry of Foreign Economic Relations
and Trade, effective as of Feb. 1, 1984)
Article 1
The regulations hereunder are formulated with a view to encouraging
foreign companies, enterprises, and other economic entities or individuals
to establish Chinese-foreign contractual joint ventures in China and to
introducing advanced technology and equipment, and to investing in the
national priority sectors of development in China.
Article 2
The Chinese-foreign contractual joint ventures shall register with the
local Customs or the Customs in charge of goods imported by Chinese-
foreign contractual joint ventures in inland territory (hereinafter
referred to as Customs in charge) by presenting the certificates approved
by the Ministries or Commissions under the State Council, or approved by
the Departments in charge in the provinces, municipalities or autonomous
regions, and the concerned business licenses issued by the Administrative
Bureau for Industry and Commerce, and the contracts (or agreements)
concluded by two parties and approved by the authorities.
Article 3
The contractual joint ventures shall declare imports and exports to the
Customs at places of importation or exportation by presenting the contract
registered and sealed by the Customs in charge and Import (Export)
Application. For the goods the import (or export) licenses are required in
accordance with State Stipulations, the import (or export) licenses shall
be presented to the Customs for verification.
Article 4
The goods imported by the contractual joint ventures as foreign investment
or additional investment on the basis of the approved contracts, shall be
levied or exempt from duties in accordance with the following
(1) The machinery, equipment, spare parts and materials imported for
direct use in exploration and development of petroleum, and parts,
components and materials as necessary imports for manufacturing machinery
and equipment for the exploitation of petroleum shall be exempt from the
Customs duties and the Industrial and Commercial Consolidated Tax in
accordance with .Rules Concerning the Levy and Exemption of the Customs
Duties and the Industrial and Commercial Consolidated Tax on Imports and
Exports for the Chinese-Foreign Cooperative Exploitation of Offshore
Petroleum/ approved by the State Council.
(2) The advanced machinery and equipment, which China cannot supply, and
materials as required for the construction on the factory site and for the
installation and reinforcement of machinery and equipment imported
according to the provisions of the contracts for those Chinese-foreign
contractual joint ventures in the field of energy development, capital
construction of railway, highway and harbour, and of industry,
agriculture, forestry, animal husbandry, aquiculture, deep-sea fishing,
scientific research, education and medical treatment, shall be exempt from
the Customs duties and the Industrial and Commercial Consolidated Tax.
(3) The imported construction materials, auxiliary equipment, indoor
electrical equipment and other necessities which are as part of the
construction project for the tourist hotels built by Chinese-foreign
contractual joint ventures shall be free from the Customs duties and the
Industrial and Commercial Consolidated Tax or levied reduced Customs
duties and the Industrial and Commercial Consolidated Tax in accordance
with the .Regulations Concerning the Levy and Exemption of Duties on the
Construction of Tourist Hotels Using Overseas Chinese and Foreign
Investment/ approved by the State Council.
(4) The goods imported by Chinese-foreign contractual joint ventures for
commerce, catering, photographing and other service trades, and service
centers, occupational training, passenger-cargo transportation, offshore
fishing and other trades, shall be levied the Customs duties and the
Industrial and Commercial Consolidated Tax.
(5) The articles for daily use, items for office use, means of transport
for non-productive use and the state- restricted imports as foreign
investment, shall be levied the Customs duties and the Industrial and
Commercial Consolidated Tax, except for those in comply with the
.Regulations Concerning the Levy and Exemption of Duties on the
Construction of Tourist Hotels Using Overseas Chinese and Foreign
Article 5
Before importation of goods, the Chinese-foreign contractual joint
ventures shall apply to the Customs in charge for the reduction or
exemption of duties on those machinery, equipment and other materials as
referred to in Article 4. (1), (2) and (3). And the reduction and
exemption of duties may be granted by the Customs at the place of
importation based on the certificates issued by the Customs in charge.
Article 6
The raw materials, components, auxiliary materials and packaging materials
(hereafter referred to as imported materials and components) used for
inward processing shall be exempt from Customs duties and Industrial and
Commercial Consolidated Tax. The by-products and products which cannot be
exported due to certain reasons shall be levied duties according to the
relevant regulations. The administrative measures shall be taken according
to the regulations concerning inward processing and the bonded factories.
Article 7
The imported materials and components approved for processing of products
for domestic sale shall be levied duties according to the regulations.
Article 8
The dutiable goods exported by Chinese-foreign contractual joint ventures
shall be levied the export duties according to the regulations.
Article 9
The imported goods with the reduction or exemption of duties shall not be
resold or assigned to others. When any resale or assignment is required,
the approval shall be granted by the original authorities, and duties
shall be pursued by the Customs in charge according to the regulations.
Article 10
Breaching of these regulations shall be dealt with according to .The
Provisional Customs Law of the People's Republic of China/.
Article 11
These regulations shall go into effect on Feb. 1, 1984.




劳人险 [1984]13号







第一条 为加强龙门石窟的保护和管理,根据《中华人民共和国文物保护法》(以下简称《文物保护法》)及其他有关法律、法规,结合龙门石窟实际,制定本条例。
第二条 市人民政府应依法加强对龙门石窟的保护和管理,并将其纳入国民经济和社会发展计划。
第三条 市文物行政管理部门是龙门石窟保护管理工作的主管部门。
第四条 市园林、公安、土地、城市规划、环境保护、工商管理、建设、交通、水利、旅游等有关部门以及龙门石窟所在地的县(区)、乡(镇)人民政府,应当根据各自职责,配合市文物行政管理部门做好龙门石窟的保护管理工作。
第五条 本市行政区域内的机关、团体、企业、事业单位及其他组织和个人都有保护龙门石窟的义务。
第六条 龙门石窟的保护和维修应当遵循不改变文物原状、原貌的原则,科学保护,合理利用。
第七条 市人民政府及其文物行政管理部门应按照国家批准的龙门石窟区规划,认真组织实施。
第八条 龙门石窟文物保护管理机构及其工作人员应当严格执法,文明服务,加强对龙门石窟保护技术的科学研究,提高龙门石窟保护管理的水平。
第九条 龙门石窟保护范围划分为重点保护区、一般保护区(建设控制地带)。
第十条 龙门石窟重点保护区和一般保护区四至界限由市文物行政管理部门设置保护标志说明和界桩,任何单位和个人不得擅自移动和破坏。
第十一条 在龙门石窟重点保护区内不得建造与龙门石窟保护无关的建筑物、构筑物,已存在的,市人民政府应当责令限期拆除、迁出。因特殊情况需要改造保留的,应当经上级文物行政管理部门和城市规划部门批准。
第十二条 在龙门石窟一般保护区内,不得建设危及龙门石窟安全的设施,不得修建其风格、高度、震律、体量、色调等与龙门石窟的环境风貌不相协调的建筑物或构筑物。修建新建筑和构筑物,其设计方案应当依照有关法律、法规的规定上报批准。
第十三条 文物考古、高等院校等科研机构为了科学研究需要在龙门石窟保护范围内进行考古发掘,应征得龙门石窟文物保护管理机构的同意,并依照《文物保护法》的规定报经批准。
第十四条 拍摄电影、电视剧(片)、专业录像或专业摄影需拍摄龙门石窟外景和有特殊保护要求的洞窟内景的,应具有国家文物行政管理部门的批准文件,并在龙门石窟文物保护管理人员的监督下进行。
第十五条 进入龙门石窟洞窟内测绘石刻艺术品的,应经市文物行政管理部门同意并报省文物行政管理部门批准,在龙门石窟文物保护管理人员的监督下进行。
第十六条 除执行公务的消防、救护和施工车辆外,其他车辆不得驶入龙门大桥桥洞以南、南口漫水桥以北伊河西岸区域;一切船只不得进入龙门大桥和南口漫水桥之间水面。
第十七条 在龙门石窟保护范围内,禁止下列行为:
第十八条 在龙门石窟保护范围内禁止打井取水,因人、畜吃水需要打井取水的,应征得市文物行政管理部门的同意,并报经有关部门批准。
第十九条 凡危及龙门石窟安全的树木一律清除。
第二十条 凡进入龙门石窟重点保护区内的机动车辆应当限速行驶,禁止鸣笛。
第二十一条 凡申请在龙门石窟重点保护区内经营的单位和个人应征得市文物行政管理部门的同意,方可到有关部门办理手续。
第二十二条 龙门石窟保护范围内的单位应严格落实环境卫生责任制,切实做好龙门石窟保护范围内的环境卫生工作。
第二十三条 龙门石窟保护、维修经费和资金的来源:
第二十四条 有下列行为之一的,市人民政府及其文物行政管理部门应当给予表彰或奖励:
第二十五条 违反本条例规定,在龙门石窟保护范围内进行违法建设的,由市城市规划部门或者由市城市规划部门根据市文物行政管理部门的意见,依据有关法律、法规予以处罚。
第二十六条 擅自移动或破坏龙门石窟保护标志说明或界桩的,由龙门石窟文物保护管理机构责令限期恢复原状或赔偿损失,并处以五十元以上二百元以下罚款。
第二十七条 违反本条例第十七条第(一)项至第(三)项规定的,由市文物行政管理部门责令其改正,可以处以五元以上五十元以下罚款。
第二十八条 从事龙门石窟保护和管理的工作人员玩忽职守、滥用职权、徇私舞弊的,由上级主管部门或行政监察机关给予行政处分;情节严重,构成犯罪的,由司法机关依法追究其刑事责任。
第二十九条 本条例自公布之日起施行。


